YVN (Young Vet Network)
Visit Vetgrad.co.uk for all the latest news and CPD
VetGradwww.vetgrad.co.uk is intended as a helpful tool for recently graduated vets. By bringing together resources, jobs, CPD and links to other useful sites, it provides a one stop shop for all your veterinary related surfing, thus saving you lots of precious time.
Torbay & District Medical Society
Torquay & District Medical Society is a social and educational society for members of the medical profession in the Torquay area. They hold regular dinners and other events for members, their partners and guests. They are pleased to welcome prospective members to join them.
Veterinary Christian Fellowship
The Veterinary Christian Fellowship is an association of Christians in the veterinary and allied professions. Members come from all denominations and all areas of the veterinary professions.