- Getting the Most from Orthopaedic Imaging - Zoom recording
Getting the Most from Orthopaedic Imaging - Zoom recording
This is a recording of the CPD session run on Wednesday 5th June 2024.
Getting the most from orthopaedic imaging; advanced imaging and good old fashioned orthogonal radiography.
Talk by Patrick Ridge BVSc Cert VR Cert SAS MRCVS RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery.
Patrick Ridge qualified in 1996 from Bristol and apart from a short spell in Kent and South East London has been in the South and West ever since. Starting in mixed practice in Penzance he has worked in Somerset, Wiltshire and The University of Bristol at Langford eventually settling in South Devon having set up Ridge Referrals in 2009. Since then he has concentrated solely on small animal orthopaedics with a particular expertise in arthroscopy. Patrick was awarded the RCVS certificates in Radiology in 2002 and Small Animal Surgery in 2008 and is an RCVS Recognised Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery.
By the end of the meeting delegates should be well acquainted with where the use of advanced imaging such as Computed Tomogrpahy and musculoskeletal ultrasound would be useful and where good old fashioned, high quality orthogonal radiography will provide all the information needed to make or confirm a diagnosis and plan surgical treatment.